Safe handling of the high pressure cleaner!

High-pressure cleaners can be very helpful for cleaning cars, terraces, etc.. But a pressure washer is a tool and not a toy! Therefore, you should use it carefully to prevent unnecessary injuries and dangers! In this article I will give you a few tips so that you use the pressure washer under £100 properly and do not put your fellow man in danger! I will not address all points in this article, but the most important for me. Therefore, if you still have questions or you are not sure, you should again read the instructions for use and safety of your device. Please read this article carefully!

Dealing with fellow human beings and animals

High pressure cleaner works with a pressure of up to 150 bar. With such power you can not only remove dirt. But you can also cause unintentional damage to people and animals. Because of the direct bombardment on humans and animals, there is a danger of eye and other bodily injuries! Therefore, you must never direct the high-pressure cleaner at other people or animals. Furthermore, you should not give the high-pressure gun into the hands of children.

Handling during cleaning

Also during the cleaning there are some things to consider. Due to the high force, small stones can splash on. Therefore, you should wear protective goggles. Furthermore, dirt and soil can splash on. This is not a real danger, but you should not necessarily wear the new jeans, but older clothes. Another important point is that they should never shoot the pressure washer or the socket. Because this can damage the pressure washer and in the worst case get an electric shock.

The higher the water pressure, the more distance you should keep from the object!
